
(See my Google scholar for more info)


Grønvold, L., van Dalum, M. J., Striberny, A., Manousi, D., Ytrestøyl, T., Mørkøre, T., Boison, S., Gjerde, B., Jørgensen, E., Sandve, S. R. & Hazlerigg, D. G. Transcriptomic profiling of gill biopsies to define predictive markers for seawater survival in farmed Atlantic salmon. BioRxiv (2024). doi:10.1101/2024.08.20.608748

Gupta, S., de León, A. V.-P., Kodama, M., Hoetzinger, M., Clausen, C. G., Pless, L., Verissimo, A. R. A., Stengel, B., Calabuig, V., Kvingedal, R., Skugor, S., Westereng, B., Harvey, T. N., Nordborg, A., Bertilsson, S., Limborg, M. T., Mørkøre, T., Sandve, S. R., Pope, P. B., Hvidsten, T. R. & La Rosa, S. L. The need for high-resolution gut microbiome characterization to design efficient strategies for sustainable aquaculture production. BioRxiv (2024). doi:10.1101/2024.02.29.582783

Gjerde, B., Boison, S. A., Hazlerigg, D., Ytrestoyl, T., Morkore, T., Jorgensen, E., Striberny, A. & Sandve, S. R. Impact of three light smoltification regimes on performance and genetic parameters of traits in Atlantic salmon. BioRxiv (2024). doi:10.1101/2024.04.02.587721

Monsen, O., Gronvold, L., Datsomor, A., Harvey, T. N., Kijas, J., Suh, A. S.-J., Hvidsten, T. R. & Sandve, S. R. The role of transposon activity in shaping cis-regulatory element evolution after whole genome duplication. bioRxiv (2024).

de León, A. V.-P., Hoetzinger, M., Hensen, T., Gupta, S., Weston, B., Johnsen, S. M., Rasmussen, J. A., Clausen, C. G., Pless, L., Veríssimo, A. R. A., Rudi, K., Snipen, L., Karlsen, C. R., Limborg, M. T., Bertilsson, S., Thiele, I., Hvidsten, T. R., Sandve, S. R., Pope, P. B. & La Rosa, S. L. The Salmon Microbial Genome Atlas enables novel insights into bacteria-host interactions via functional mapping. BioRxiv (2023). doi:10.1101/2023.12.10.570985

Holen, M. M., Sandve, S. R., Harvey, T. N., Jin, Y., Angell, I. L., Rudi, K. & Kent, M. P. The effect of dietary chitin on Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) chitinase activity, gene expression, and microbial composition. BioRxiv (2022). doi:10.1101/2022.05.05.490722

Peer-reviewed papers:


Harvey, T. N., Gillard, G. B., Røsæg, L. L., Grammes, F., Monsen, Ø., Vik, J. O., Hvidsten, T. R. & Sandve, S. R. The genome regulatory landscape of Atlantic salmon liver through smoltification. PLoS ONE 19, e0302388 (2024).

Harvey, T. N., Dvergedal, H., Grønvold, L., Jin, Y., Ødegård, J., Korsvoll, S. A., Knutsen, T., Hvidsten, T. R. & Sandve, S. R. Linking genomic prediction of fillet fat content in Atlantic salmon to underlying changes in lipid metabolism regulation. Aquaculture 584, 740678 (2024).

Melum, V. J., Sáenz de Miera, C., Markussen, F. A. F., Cázarez-Márquez, F., Jaeger, C., Sandve, S. R., Simonneaux, V., Hazlerigg, D. G. & Wood, S. H. Hypothalamic tanycytes as mediators of maternally programmed seasonal plasticity. Curr. Biol. (2024). doi:10.1016/j.cub.2023.12.042


Sahlstrom, H. M., Datsomor, A. K., Monsen, O., Hvidsten, T. R. & Sandve, S. R. Functional validation of transposable element derived cis-regulatory elements in Atlantic salmon. G3 (2023).

Alex K Datsomor, Ragnhild Wilberg, Jacob S Torgersen, Simen R Sandve, Thomas N Harvey, Efficient transfection of Atlantic salmon primary hepatocyte cells for functional assays and gene editing, G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 2023;, jkad039,


Matilde Mengkrog Holen, Gustav Vaaje-Kolstad, Matthew Peter Kent, Simen Rød Sandve+, Gene family expansion and functional diversification of chitinase and chitin synthase genes in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics (2023);, jkad069,

Arzumanova, K., Rohlfs, R.V., Grønvold, L., Strand, M.A., Hvidsten, T.R., Sandve, S.R+.. Analyses of Genome Regulatory Evolution Following Whole-Genome Duplication Using the Phylogenetic EVE Model. In: Van de Peer, Y. (eds) Polyploidy. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2545. (2023). Humana, New York, NY.


Datsomor, A. K., Gillard, G., Jin, Y., Olsen, R. E. & Sandve, S. R. Molecular regulation of biosynthesis of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in atlantic salmon. Mar. Biotechnol. (2022). doi:10.1007/s10126-022-10144-w

Leipart, V., Ludvigsen, J., Kent, M., Sandve, S.R, To, T., Árnyasi, M., Kreibich, C. D., Dahle, B. & Amdam, G. V. Identification of 121 variants of honey bee Vitellogenin protein sequences with structural differences at functional sites. Protein Sci. 31, (2022).

Zakhartsev M, Rotnes F, Gulla M, Øyås O, van Dam JCJ, Suarez-Diez M, Grammes F, HafÞórsson RA, van Helvoirt W, Koehorst JJ, Schaap PJ, Jin Y, Mydland LT, Gjuvsland AB, Sandve SR, dos Santos VAPM, Vik JO. SALARECON connects the Atlantic salmon genome to growth and feed efficiency. PLOS Computational Biology 18(6): e1010194 (2022).


Gundappa MK, To T-H, Grønvold L, Martin SAM, Lien S, Geist J, Hazlerigg D, Sandve SR, Macqueen DJ. Genome-wide reconstruction of rediploidization following autopolyploidization across one hundred million years of salmonid evolution. Mol Biol Evol. 2021 Oct 28; PMID: 34718723.

Krabbenhoft TJ, MacGuigan DJ, Backenstose NJC, Waterman H, Lan T, Pelosi JA, Tan M, Sandve SR. Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly of Chinese Sucker (Myxocyprinus asiaticus) Reveals Strongly-Conserved Synteny Following a Catostomid-Specific Whole Genome Duplication. Genome Biol Evol. (2021)

Godager L. H., Fjellheim S., Sandve, S.R. Tilrettelegging for dybdelæring ved bruk av samarbeidslæring og hverandrevurdering - med 200 studenter. Nordic journal of STEM education. (2021) DOI:

West, A. C., Mizoro, Y., Wood, S. H., Ince, L. M., Iversen, M., Jørgensen, E. H., Nome, T., Sandve, S. R., Loudon, A. S. I. & Hazlerigg, D. G. Immunologic Profiling of the Atlantic Salmon Gill by Single Nuclei Transcriptomics

Frontiers in Immunology.

Gillard, G. B., Grønvold, L., Røsæg, L. L., Holen, M. M., Monsen, Ø., Koop, B. F., Rondeau, E. B., Gundappa, M. K., Mendoza, J., Macqueen, D. J., Rohlfs, R. V., Sandve, S. R+. & Hvidsten, T. R+. Comparative regulomics supports pervasive selection on gene dosage following whole genome duplication. Genome Biol. 22, 103 (2021).

Jin, Y., Harvey, T. N., Bartosova, Z., Hassani, S., Bruheim, P., Sandve, S. R. & Vik, J. O. Diet and Life Stage-Associated Lipidome Remodeling in Atlantic Salmon. J. Agric. Food Chem. (2021). doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.0c07281

Iversen, M., Mulugeta, T., West, A., Jørgensen, E. H., Martin, S. A. M., Sandve, S. R. & Hazlerigg, D. Photoperiod-dependent developmental reprogramming of the transcriptional response to seawater entry in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). G3 (Bethesda) (2021). doi:10.1093/g3journal/jkab072

Transkingdom network analysis provides insight into host-microbiome interactions in Atlantic salmon. Strand, M. A., Yang J., Sandve, S. R., Pope, P. B., Hvidsten, T. R. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. (2021).


Dvergedal, H., Sandve, S. R+., Angell, I. L., Klemetsdal, G. & Rudi, K. Association of gut microbiota with metabolism in juvenile Atlantic salmon. Microbiome 8, 160 (2020).

Dvergedal, H., Harvey, T. N., Jin, Y., Ødegård, J., Grønvold, L., Sandve, S. R., Våge, D. I., Moen, T. & Klemetsdal, G. Genomic regions and signaling pathways associated with indicator traits for feed efficiency in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Genetic Selection and Evolution 52, 66 (2020).

West, A.C., Iversen, M., Jørgensen, E.H., Sandve, S.R., Hazlerigg, D.G. and Wood, S.H. 2020. Diversified regulation of circadian clock gene expression following whole genome duplication. PLoS Genetics 16(10), p. e1009097.

Iversen, M., Mulugeta, T., Gellein Blikeng, B., [....] Sandve, S. R. et al. 2020. RNA profiling identifies novel, photoperiod-history dependent markers associated with enhanced saltwater performance in juvenile Atlantic salmon. Plos One 15(4), p. e0227496.

Jin, Y., Olsen, R. E., Harvey, T. N., Østensen, M.-A., Li, K., Santi, N., Vadstein, O., Magnar Bones, A., Vik, J. O., Sandve, S. R.+, and Olsen, Y+. (2020) Comparative transcriptomics reveals domestication-associated features of Atlantic salmon lipid metabolism. Molecular Ecology. Doi: 10.1111/mec.15446

Løvmo, S. D., Madaro, A., Whatmore, P., Bardal, T., Ostensen, M.-A., Sandve, S. R., and Olsen, R. E. (2020) Mid and hindgut transcriptome profiling analysis of Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar) under unpredictable chronic stress. 7. Royal Society Open Science


Bertolotti, A. C., Layer, R. M., Gundappa, M. K., Gallagher, M. D., Pehlivanoglu, E., Nome, T., Robledo, D., Kent, M. P., Røsæg, L. L., Holen, M. M., Mulugeta, T. D., Ashton, T. J., Hindar, K., Sægrov, H., Florø-Larsen, B., Erkinaro, J., Primmer, C. R., Bernatchez, L., Martin, S. A. M., Johnston, I. A., Sandve, S. R., Lien, S. & Macqueen, D. J. The structural variation landscape in 492 Atlantic salmon genomes. Nature Communication 11, 5176 (2020).



Pearse, D. E., Barson, N. J., Nome, T., Gao, G., Campbell, M. A., Abadía-Cardoso, A., Anderson, E. C., Rundio, D. E., Williams, T. H., Naish, K. A., Moen, T., Liu, S., Kent, M., Moser, M., Minkley, D. R., Rondeau, E. B., Brieuc, M. S. O., Sandve, S. R., Miller, M. R., Cedillo, L., Baruch, K., Hernandez, A. G., Ben-Zvi, G., Shem-Tov, D., Barad, O., Kuzishchin, K., Garza, J. C., Lindley, S. T., Koop, B. F., Thorgaard, G. H., Palti, Y. & Lien, S. Sex-dependent dominance maintains migration supergene in rainbow trout. Nature Ecology & Evolution (2019).

Harvey, T. N., Sandve, S. R., Jin, Y., Vik, J. O. & Torgersen, J. S. Liver slice culture as a model for lipid metabolism in fish. PeerJ 7, e7732 (2019).

Mulugeta, T. D., Nome, T., To, T.-H., Gundappa, M. K., Macqueen, D. J., Våge, D. I., Sandve, S. R. & Hvidsten, T. R. SalMotifDB: a tool for analyzing putative transcription factor binding sites in salmonid genomes. BMC Genomics 20, 694 (2019).

Minniti G, Rød Sandve S, Padra JT et al. (2019) The Farmed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Skin-Mucus Proteome and Its Nutrient Potential for the Resident Bacterial Community. Genes, 10.

Schubert, M., Groenvold, L., Sandve, S. R., Hvidsten, T. R., and Fjellheim, S. (2019) Evolution of cold acclimation and its role in niche transition in the temperate grass subfamily Pooideae. Plant Physiology


Sävilammi, T., Primmer, C. R., Varadharajan, S., Guyomard, R., Guiguen, Y., Sandve, S. R., Vøllestad, L. A., Papakostas, S., and Lien, S. (2019) The Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly of European Grayling Reveals Aspects of a Unique Genome Evolution Process Within Salmonids. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, g3. doi: 10.1534/g3.118.200919


Jin, Y., Angell, I. L., Sandve, S. R., Snipen, L. G., Olsen, Y., and Rudi, K. (2018) Atlantic salmon raised with diets low in long-chain polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids in freshwater have a Mycoplasma-dominated gut microbiota at sea. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11, 31-39. doi: 3354/aei00297

Jin, Y., Olsen, R. E., Østensen, M.-A., Gillard, G. B., Li, K., Harvey, T. N., Santi, N., Vadstein, O., Vik, J. O., Sandve, S. R., and Olsen, Y. (2018) Transcriptional regulation of lipid metabolism when salmon fry switches from endogenous to exogenous feeding. Aquaculture. doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2018.12.089


Varadharajan S*, Sandve SR*+, Gillard GB, Tørresen OK, Mulugeta TD, Hvidsten TR, Lien S, Vøllestad A, Jentoft S, Nederbragt AJ, Jakobsen KS*. The Grayling genome reveals selection on gene expression regulation after whole genome duplication. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2018.


International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC). Shifting the limits in wheat research and breeding using a fully annotated reference genome. Science. 2018;361(6403). doi:10.1126/science.aar7191.


Jin Y, Olsen RE, Gillard GB, Ostensen M-A, Korsvoll SA, Santi N, Vik JO, Sandve SR, Olsen Y. A systemic study of lipid metabolism regulation in salmon fingerlings and early juveniles fed plant oil. The British journal of nutrition. 2018;226:1-12. doi:10.1017/S0007114518001885.


Sandve SR+, Rohlfs RV, Hvidsten TR+. Subfunctionalization versus neofunctionalization after whole-genome duplication. Nature genetics. 2018;50(7):908-909. doi:10.1038/s41588-018-0162-4.


Jin Y, Olsen RE, Ostensen M-A, Gillard GB, Korsvoll SA, Santi N, Gjuvsland AB, Vik JO, Torgersen JS, Sandve SR, Olsen Y. Transcriptional development of phospholipid and lipoprotein metabolism in different intestinal regions of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fry. BMC genomics. 2018;19(1):253. doi:10.1186/s12864-018-4651-8.


G. Gillard*, T. N. Harvey*, A. Gjuvsland, Y. Jin, M. Thomassen, S. Lien, M. Leaver, J. S. Torgersen, T. R. Hvidsten, J. O. Vik+, and SR. Sandve+, Diet And Life Stage Associated Remodeling Of Lipid Metabolism Regulation In Atlantic Salmon, Molecular Ecology, early view. DOI: 10.1111/mec.14533.


K Rudi, IL Angell, PB Pope, JO Vik, SR Sandve, LG Snipen. Stable core gut microbiota across the freshwater-to-saltwater transition for farmed Atlantic salmon. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 84 (2), e01974-17





Groenvold L, Schubert M, Sandve SR, Fjellheim S, Hvidsten TR. Comparative transcriptomics provides insight into the evolution of cold response in Pooideae.  bioRxiv. October 2017. doi:10.1101/151431.


Rudi K, Angell IL, Pope PB, Vik JO, Sandve SR, Snipen L-G. A stable core gut microbiota across fresh- to saltwater transition for farmed Atlantic salmon. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2017;84(2):AEM.01974–17. doi:10.1128/AEM.01974-17.


Macqueen DJ, Primmer CR, Houston RD, Nowak BF, Bernatchez L, Bergseth S, et al. Functional Annotation of All Salmonid Genomes (FAASG): an international initiative supporting future salmonid research, conservation and aquaculture. BMC Genomics. 2017;18(1): 484. doi:10.1186/s12864-017-3862-8


Samy JKA, Mulugeta TD, Nome T, Sandve SR, Grammes F, Kent MP, et al. SalmoBase: an integrated molecular data resource for Salmonid species. BMC Genomics. , Grammes F, Kent MP, et al. SalmoBase: an integrated molecular data resource for Salmonid species. BMC Genomics. 2017; 18(1): 482.  doi:10.1186/s12864-017-3877-1


Srinidhi Varadharajan*Simen R. Sandve*+, Ole K. Tørresen, Sigbjørn Lien, Leif Asbjørn Vollestad, Sissel Jentoft,  Alexander J. Nederbragt, Kjetill S. Jakobsen. The grayling genome reveals selection on gene expression regulation after whole genome duplication. bioRxiv, 2017. doi:


F. Robertson, M. K. Gundappa, F. Grammes, T. Hvidsten, A. Redmond, S. Lien, S. Martin, P. Holland, S. Sandve, and D. Macqueen, “Lineage-specific rediploidization is a mechanism to explain time-lags between genome duplication and evolutionary diversification,” Genome Biology, 18:111 2017. DOI: 10.1186/s13059-017-1241-z





T. G. Kirubakaran, H. Grove, M. P. Kent, S. R. Sandve, M. Baranski, T. Nome, M. C. De Rosa, B. Righino, T. Johansen, H. Otterå, A. Sonesson, S. Lien, and Ø. Andersen, “Two adjacent inversions maintain genomic differentiation between migratory and stationary ecotypes of Atlantic cod.,” Molecular ecology, vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 2130–2143,  2016.


S. Lien, B. F. Koop, S. R. Sandve, J. R. Miller, M. P. Kent, T. Nome, T. R. Hvidsten, J. S. Leong, D. R. Minkley, A. Zimin, F. Grammes, H. Grove, A. Gjuvsland, B. Walenz, R. A. Hermansen, K. von Schalburg, E. B. Rondeau, A. Di Genova, J. K. Samy, J. Olav Vik, M. D. Vigeland, L. Caler, U. Grimholt, S. Jentoft, D. Inge Vage, P. de Jong, T. Moen, M. Baranski, Y. Palti, D. R. Smith, J. A. Yorke, A. J. Nederbragt, A. Tooming-Klunderud, K. S. Jakobsen, X. Jiang, D. Fan, Y. Hu, D. A. Liberles, R. Vidal, P. Iturra, S. J. Jones, I. Jonassen, A. Maass, S. W. Omholt, and W. S. Davidson, “The Atlantic salmon genome provides insights into rediploidization,” Nature, vol. 533, pp. 200–205, Apr. 2016.


R. A. Hermansen, T. R. Hvidsten, S. R. Sandve, and D. A. Liberles, “Extracting functional trends from whole genome duplication events using comparative genomics.,” Biol Proced Online, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 11–10, 2016.





S. R. Sandve+, T. Marcussen, K. Mayer, K. S. Jakobsen, L. Heier, B. Steuernagel, B. B. H. Wulff, and O. A. Olsen, “Chloroplast phylogeny of Triticum/Aegilops species is not incongruent with an ancient homoploid hybrid origin of the ancestor of the bread wheat D-genome.,” New Phytol., vol. 208, no. 1, pp. 9–10,  2015.


M. R. Kovi, S. Fjellheim, S. R. Sandve, A. Larsen, H. Rudi, T. Asp, M. P. Kent, and O. A. Rognli, “Population Structure, Genetic Variation, and Linkage Disequilibrium in Perennial Ryegrass Populations Divergently Selected for Freezing Tolerance.,” Front Plant Sci, vol. 6, no. 323, p. 929, 2015.





T. Belova, L. Grønvold, A. Kumar, S. Kianian, X. He, M. Lillemo, N. M. Springer, S. Lien, O. A. Olsen, and S. R. Sandve+, “Utilization of deletion bins to anchor and order sequences along the wheat 7B chromosome.,” Theor. Appl. Genet., vol. 127, no. 9, pp. 2029–2040,  2014.


IWGSC,  “A chromosome-based draft sequence of the hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) genome,” Science, vol. 345, no. 6194, pp. 1251788–1251788,  2014.


M. Pfeifer, K. G. Kugler, S. R. Sandve, B. Zhan, H. Rudi, T. R. Hvidsten, C. International Wheat Genome Sequencing, K. F. X. Mayer, and O. A. Olsen, “Genome interplay in the grain transcriptome of hexaploid bread wheat.,” Science, vol. 345, no. 6194, pp. 1250091–1250091, 2014.


T. Marcussen*, S. R. Sandve*+, L. Heier, M. Spannagl, M. Pfeifer, C. International Wheat Genome Sequencing, K. S. Jakobsen, B. B. H. Wulff, B. Steuernagel, K. F. X. Mayer, and O. A. Olsen, “Ancient hybridizations among the ancestral genomes of bread wheat.,” Science, vol. 345, no. 6194, pp. 1250092–1250092,  2014.


H. Helgeland, S. R. Sandve, J. S. Torgersen, M. K. Halle, H. Sundvold, S. Omholt, and D. I. Våge, “The evolution and functional divergence of the beta-carotene oxygenase gene family in teleost fish--exemplified by Atlantic salmon.,” Gene, vol. 543, no. 2, pp. 268–274, 2014.



M. D. Vigeland, M. Spannagl, T. Asp, C. Paina, H. Rudi, O. A. Rognli, S. Fjellheim, and S. R. Sandve, “Evidence for adaptive evolution of low-temperature stress response genes in a Pooideae grass ancestor.,” New Phytol., vol. 199, no. 4, pp. 1060–1068,  2013.


T. Belova, B. Zhan, J. Wright, M. Caccamo, T. Asp, H. Šimková, M. Kent, C. Bendixen, F. Panitz, S. Lien, J. Doležel, O. A. Olsen, and S. R. Sandve+, “Integration of mate pair sequences to improve shotgun assemblies of flow-sorted chromosome arms of hexaploid wheat.,” BMC genomics, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 222,  2013.


J. C. Preston and S. R. Sandve, “Adaptation to seasonality and the winter freeze.,” Front Plant Sci, vol. 4, p. 167, 2013.



C. Li, H. Rudi, E. J. Stockinger, H. Cheng, M. Cao, S. E. Fox, T. C. Mockler, B. Westereng, S. Fjellheim, O. A. Rognli, and S. R. Sandve+, “Comparative analyses reveal potential uses of Brachypodium distachyon as a model for cold stress responses in temperate grasses.,” BMC Plant Biol., vol. 12, no. 1, p. 65,  2012.



J. Bartoš, S. R. Sandve, R. Kölliker, D. Kopecký, P. Christelová, S. Stočes, L. Ostrem, A. Larsen, A. Kilian, O. A. Rognli, and J. Doležel, “Genetic mapping of DArT markers in the Festuca-Lolium complex and their use in freezing tolerance association analysis.,” Theor. Appl. Genet., vol. 122, no. 6, pp. 1133–1147, 2011.


H. Rudi, S. R. Sandve, L. M. Opseth, A. Larsen, and O. A. Rognli, “Identification of candidate genes important for frost tolerance in Festuca pratensis Huds. by transcriptional profiling.,” Plant Sci., vol. 180, no. 1, pp. 78–85,  2011.


S. R. Sandve, A. Kosmala, H. Rudi, S. Fjellheim, M. Rapacz, T. Yamada, and O. A. Rognli, “Molecular mechanisms underlying frost tolerance in perennial grasses adapted to cold climates.,” Plant Sci., vol. 180, no. 1, pp. 69–77,  2011.



S. R. Sandve, H. Rudi, G. Dorum, P. R. Berg, and O. A. Rognli, “High-throughput genotyping of unknown genomic terrain in complex plant genomes: lessons from a case study,” Molecular Breeding, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 711–718,  2010.


M. Q. Benedict, S. R. Sandve, E. E. Wilkins, and J. M. Roberts, “Relationship of larval desiccation to Anopheles gambiae Giles and An. arabiensis Patton survival,” J Vector Ecol, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 116–123, 2010.


S. R. Sandve and S. Fjellheim, “Did gene family expansions during the Eocene-Oligocene boundary climate cooling play a role in Pooideae adaptation to cool climates?,” Molecular ecology, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 2075–2088, 2010.



S. R. Sandve, H. Rudi, T. Asp, and O. A. Rognli, “Tracking the evolution of a cold stress associated gene family in cold tolerant grasses.,” Bmc Evol Biol, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 245,  2008.



H. J. Overgaard, S. R. Sandve, and W. Suwonkerd, “Evidence of anopheline mosquito resistance to agrochemicals in northern Thailand,” Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, vol. 36, pp. 152–157, 2005.