Academic freedom under pressure. Debate on administrative changes in academic institutions. Klassekampen (2021). Read it here.
From an angry antisocial to a happy prankster. How genees and environment regulate physiological transitions in salmon. Aftenposten (2021). Read it here.
Sequence the genomes before they are gone. An oppinion on how we should contribute to characterize the global genetic biodiversity. Aftenposten (2019).
Misunderstanding about the wild salmon. A comment on a previous debate article. Aftenposten (2018).
Why do we have sex? The evolutionary advantages of sexual reproduction. Aftenposten (2017)
The worlds strangest animal just got stranger. Biology and genetics of the tardigan. Aftenposten (2016).
A milestone for Atlantic salmon. Describes the work with assembly of the Atlantic salmon genom. Aftenposten (2016).
To survive in a freezer. Genetics of freezing tolerance in plants. Aftenposten (2015).
Genetic freakshow. The genetics of salmon and wheat. Aftenposten (2015).
A comment on a new study on artificial sweetners. Aftenposten (2014).
The Bjørgen-code. Genetics of complex traits and extreme sport achievements. Aftenposten (2014).